Module 4

Amazing video

4.1 Online identity

Can you find a picture that has been photo-shopped? Maybe you can find something really relevant to your own local area or local situation – something that your students will be able to relate to. Can you share the picture and also identify how you might use this in a classroom situation?

My post in the padlet:
"I believe that even if we know about the power of image, about photoshop etc, we are just so used to believe almost everything we see, without critical thinking. For the younger, this is more common. The power of social media is unquestionable.
In the above quiz, i found the 7 out of 10, but I think that this was why I was prepared for that.
I post an actress before/after photo. I would use it in my class, so I would let the students comment on that. Then, we would start a conversation on social media, what they upload on them and how they feel when they don't get "likes"."

Made with Padlet

Let's take a quiz!


Online traps

 Justine Sacco : A careless tweet can change your life. She was making a business trip to South Africa and before she boarded her flight sent a tweet that she thought was amusing, making a comment about AIDS in Africa. It was very racist and offensive. Before her plane had landed in Cape Town she had been sacked but she had also become an internationally renowned hated figure. Her life has completely changed as a result. Her name was trending on Twitter for quite some time with millions of people appalled at what she had said. The viral nature of communication on the internet can be scary when it doesn’t work in your favour.

What's your online reputation?

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